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qtVlm Preferences window keeps jumping back to primary display on Mac

  • MichaelBender
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il y a 2 ans 2 mois #1295 par MichaelBender
The qtVlm Preferences (Configuration) window keeps jumping back to the primary laptop display even thought I move it onto an external monitor. I am running on an M1 MacBook Pro with two external displays connected. Both external displays are 4K displays, however I have one display set to a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (my left 4K display) and the other set to a resolution of 3840 x 2160 (my right 4K display).

Steps to reproduce:
  1. I start qtVlm and it initially displays on my MBP's primary screen (the laptop screen) no matter which display I start it from.
  2. I move qwtVlm to the left display (1920 x 1080) and it displays properly.
  3. I bring up the qtVlm preferences window and it displays on the primary screen.
  4. I move the preferences window to the left 4K display (where qtVlm is displaying).
  5. The presences window jumps back to the primary screen.
Is there any way to prevent this window from jumping back to the primary display and instead stay on the display that it was launched from? I don't see this behavior with some of the other windows I have tried (but I haven't tried all popup windows).

Versions and environment info:

Version : 5.10-13-patch1 (meltemus) (Apr 10 2022)
System osx 12.3
Qt 5.15.9
Memory size: 16,384 Gb
CPUs: 8
Build for: arm64
Running on: arm64
screen size 1440x900 *2

Additional notes:
The screen size 1440x900 *2 reported by qtVlm is incorrect, it seems to be reporting only the resolution of may primary display (the laptop screen) but there are no other screes with that reported resolution.

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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 8 mois #1599 par willsailforfood
I'm getting the same behavior.

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