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il y a 5 mois 2 jours #2610 par oxygen77
Réponse de oxygen77 sur le sujet ECMWF AIFS
I finally manage to get some time to have a look at these grib again.

It looks like they have changed the grid for the opendata and use now a regular grid which is the standard one and available in qtvlm.

So you should be able to read these grib with current version of our software.

Note that there is 4 data that we won't show:
  • categ 0 / num 17 - Skin Temperature - SKINT en K - LEVEL = DATA_LV_GND_SURF
  • categ 1 / num 51 - Total Column Water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour+cloud water/ice) - TCWAT - kg m-2 - LEVEL = DATA_LV_GND_SURF
  • categ 2 / num 8 - Vertical Velocity (Pressure) - VVEL - Pa s-1 - LEVEL = DATA_LV_ISOBARIC with values ranging from 5000 to 100000
  • categ 3 / num 4 - Geopotential - GP - m2 s-2 - LEVEL = DATA_LV_ISOBARIC with values ranging from 5000 to 100000
Not sure it is a big deal.

I'm still looking at supporting gaussian if it can help for gribs from other sources.

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