Logiciel de navigation et de routage

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Version 5.10.2

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il y a 3 ans 2 mois #866 par oxygen77
Version 5.10.2 a été créé par oxygen77
  • Charts Module: Support of NVCharts rasters (Windows only). New Course up mode. Possibility to use vector coastlines and depth areas in all chart modes including rasters and mbtiles modes. Add grouping feature (mbtiles and rasters/vectors). Some fixes in Kaps charts. Improvement in boat autocenter mode. Add an Extended view option.
  • Instruments Module: New Cone or Vector reckoning. Regular recknoning now shows two lines (dashed for COG prediction, solid for CTW). TWA gauge now includes also AWA, TWD, TWS, and AWS. New datagrams available for COG and CTW. New instrument RPM (revolutions per minute)
  • Simulation Module: Add possibility to start simulation at a given date. Add an Engine mode.
  • Alarms Module: New alarm for dangers detection (Cone or Vector reckoning). New alarm when entering a compulsory Radio Call Area or getting close to a Radio Call Point. Add decimals in Pressure alarm threshold.
  • Gribs Module: Add Reflectivity in saildocs requests. New color scale for Reflectivity. Fix grib files not being closed in some cases. Fix kml and kmz weather images projections. Support for kml multi layers.
  • NMEA Module: Possibility to indicate replay speed when using a NMEA file and add optional control sliders. Add messages ZDA (date/time), RPM (Revolutions per minute) and VBW (speed on water). Add replay and record NMEA features for mobile platforms.
  • Tracks Module: Add STW to saved data.
  • Boats and Marks Modules: Add possibility to draw circles around boat or POI. Possibility to use an image when drawing boat in real size.
  • Various other small fixes and improvements.

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